Islamic Geometric Patterns: Analyse and Construct a Zellige Pattern

Islamic Geometric Patterns:
Analyse and Construct a Zellige Pattern

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Learn how to ANALYSE and construct a design composed of 6 different Islamic geometric patterns. This course is the only course that teaches you pattern analysis and is specifically designed to set you free and allow you to create your own unique Zellige design. 

can you relate to any of these?

You want to be independend and start creating your own zellige designs.

You are tired of blindly following a tutorial and not understanding how to apply the rules to other designs.

You look at a pattern, try to construct it but you end up being stuck, not understanding what is wrong...every single time.

You scroll through Instagram, and everyone seems to be drawing designs, creating tutorials, and enjoying Islamic geometry while you don't even know where to start.

You either continue to scroll down Instagram beating yourself up, and compare your work to every artist on social media (which makes you feel more stuck).

...or you spend thousands of hours scouring the internet  trying to figure out your mistakes  and eventually give up on Islamic geometry because it's just too overwhelming for you

...or you replicate other artist's work and create already-seen artworks and wonder why you're unable to come up with your own geometric patterns

...or you can finally learn how to analyse ANY zellige design, unlock your creativity and create breathtaking artwork that will bring you satisfaction and peace of mind.

what do you do?

So...what do you do?

A closer look inside...

Module 1: prep work

All the tools and supplies you need to start analysing Islamic geometric patterns both digitally and by hand.

Module 2: geogebra

Learn how to set up your Geogebra app and use this free and fantastic tool to draw appealing digital geometric patterns.


circle division

bonus materials

Get the bonuses included in the course such as:
- circle division
- angle division
- zellige study
- 8fold rosette construction and insights

Module 3: the layout

In this module I teach you how to analyse an Islamic geometric pattern layout both by hand and with Adobe Illustrator. Then you will also learn how to contruct it and witness the process from beginnig to end.

Module 4: the patterns

Learn how to analyse and construct 6 different patterns that compose this amazing Islamic geometric design.

Module 5: symmetry and proportion

In this module, I teach you symmetry rules and proportions that will help you understand when your analysis is correct or not and will help you be independend in your drawing.

Module 6: final design

Create your own Islamic art design mixing and matching the patterns learnt in this course but also any other zellige design that you want.

Meet your Instructor...

I began my journey in 2016 and soon specialised in miniature zellige geometry, principally using watercolour as a medium. My miniature complex geometry and sense of colour captured the attention of social media, and soon I was inspiring thousands of artists to get started with this traditional art form.

Never expecting to be just an artist, within 2 years, I started collaborating with brands around the world, bringing my unique style to life through product design.

I believe that everyone can find peace in Islamic geometry that’s why I have started teaching workshops and online courses.

As an online instructor, I’ve taught over 500 students how to start with Islamic geometry. And as an entrepreneur, I’ve turned my art into a creative business.

Today, I bring my positive attitude about art and my personable style to workshops, online courses and Instagram @sandy.kurt

islamic geometry artist | surface pattern designer | educator

Sandy Kurt

This     for you if...


This is        for you if...


You're ready to put in the work (and see the results!).

You're passionate about Islamic art and creating beauty.

You know how to handle a compass.

You have drawn (or at least tried) some basic patterns before.

You don't want to do the heavy work.

You have no patience.

You don't know how to handle a compass.

You have no previous experience in Islamic geometry and this is your first course ever.

What's included?
Let's recap...

ONGOING ACCESS and free updates!

33 video tutorial + 12 pdfs

You can access the course wherever you are, whenever you want and even from your tablet of phone. You will also have access to all future updates for free.

In 8+ hours of video instructions, you'll learn how to improve your analysis and drafting skills and create an Islamic geometric design.

access to the teacher

You can post questions under each video if you need assistance or clarifications, and I will personally reply to all of them.

"So far her course has been extremely informative and easy to follow. Prior to this, I did not know Geogebra and now I can confidently use it to draw other patterns."

- Surbhi t.

"I must say...thank you for teaching me how to use Geogebra. I had tried to use it once before, and found it intimidating and confusing. Now that I have done this course I feel confident to use it much more from now on."

- ben m.

"It's a TON of info and I hope you're selling a lot of copies. It's great. Almost done with pattern 5 and it looks soooo cool!"

- Jeff

what people say about my course

Freequently Asked Questions

Is this course suitable for beginners?







My courses are for people who know how to handle a compass and have tried drawing Islamic geometry before. It is NOT for people who have never tried this art form and are just starting out.
That said, Zellige patterns are based on 8fold geometry, which is very simple to learn and understand. When you create a zellige design, you get a boost in self-esteem that has no equal. You have to put in the work, though, as there are a lot of lines and circles to be drawn, but it's totally worth it.

Absolutely! All videos are pre-recorded, and you can watch them anytime, anywhere.

You'll need a compass, a pencil, a ruler, an eraser, paper, tracing paper, masking tape and a fine liner. If you need suggestions, check this page.

In this course I teach you how to analyse a pattern. This is something I haven't taught in my other courses. In general each of my courses differs in the method of construction, types of Islamic geometric patterns taught, and general content of the course. There is ALWAYS something new to learn.

This course is 8 hours long.

is there anything else apart from the video tutorials?

Absolutely yes! Each video has a discussion area (top right icon on the video), plus you can email me at if anything is needed urgently.

You'll have ongoing access for the lifetime of the course.

Each video is supplied with a pdf tutorial that you can print out and take with you wherever you go. Plus, there is a bonus section with pdf tutorials about the basics of Islamic geometry.

i don't have illustrator. can i do the course anyway?

Yes, you can. Illustrator is just one video of the 33 available in this course.
You can either use a free trial or another software that allows you to draw lines and circles, such as Inkscape.

how does the payment plan work?

The price is divided into 3 parts.
Every month for three months you will be charged 1/3 of the price, and you can access the course straight away.
Also, many instructors charge more for the payment plan, but I don't.

Ready to create something unique?

Join over 300 students who have enrolled in the course and start and start creating breathtaking designs!