As the 2024 year approaches, I am starting to have a new sense of what really sparks me joy, what I’m passionate about and how I want to serve the world. At the same time, I have also understood what is the thing that stops me from being who I want to be.
A couple of weeks ago, I attended the GMW Summit in Doha. Six days full of inspirational talks and interesting workshops on how to live a life with purpose while being of service.
I tried to answer three “simple” questions.
What am I really good at?
I am good at creating processes and organizing stuff.
You come to me with an idea, and I will break it down into manageable steps and give you clarity on what needs to be done. Something I do when I teach as well (if you are one of my students, you know what I mean).
I am also good at problem-solving.
You come to me with a problem, and I will give you an opportunity.
I LOVE doing that. I’m not only speaking about tangible problems. I’m also speaking about life problems, emotional problems, you name it.
I’m solution-oriented, and I love giving advice.
Maybe it’s because I am the oldest daughter (all the oldest daughters and sons out there know what this means).
What gives me joy?
Creating things with my hands. I love the process, the discovery and the growth.
Maybe it’s because that’s the only time when my mind is quiet, and I have time to breathe.
Another thing that brings me joy is debate on important things.
I love sharing knowledge, and I love to contribute to other people. Seeing them having an “AHA” moment is priceless for me.
How can I use my skills, and what brings me joy to serve others?
This is what I’m trying to answer next year.
You may wonder “I thought Sandy that you already knew what’s your purpose in life”.
Well… I’m not sure I got there yet. Or maybe I will never get there. Who knows?!
But I love the discovery. And I will not rush or feel overwhelmed to figure it out from day one.
Or at least that’s my goal. Because if you don’t know it already, I have a HUGE obsession with time.
I don’t know if this happens to you as well, but whatever happens in my life, my mind goes directly to “Oh my goodness, this will take so much time” or “I don’t have time for this”. As soon as I finish one task, I go directly to the next one without even appreciating or acknowledging what I’ve done because I always CONSTANTLY feel behind my schedule. And the truth is that I never miss a deadline (organizational skills ding ding ding!), but I FEEL that way.
Being able to break through this will be the biggest achievement of my life and will open so much for me. Something to discover with my coach for sure.
And this is how I want to leave you.
I will take a break from blogging next year to recharge my batteries and focus on other aspects of my business more in line with the questions above. I’ll be probably back in 2025 tho.
Don’t worry, I will still pop in your email box from time to time to update you (because if you haven’t understood that, you are part of the answer to question nr.3), so if you are not on my mailing list already make sure to sign up here (spoiler alert: you will receive 4 freebies if you sign up).
Before saying goodbye, I really want to acknowledge you for sticking with me, and I hope you have learned something from my blogs. It was an honour to share my secrets and points of view, and I hope you will have the time to sit down and ponder over these three questions, too.
My nr.1 goal for 2024
December 18, 2023
I have learned so much from you and have appreciated your blogs so much. That said, I also really share your time problem, and so support you taking a blogging break.
Much love and wishing clarity to you,
Jzk and thank you for your time and patience- all your tricks of the trade.
In Sha Allah whatever you do in 2024 I am sure it will be with a smile. All the best.
I wish you the best and I do hope you find the answer. You have definitely made a mark in my life and my search for becoming a better artist and geometer.
Happy 2024
You always bring a smile to my face😄😄