Have you ever purchased an Islamic geometry course with great enthusiasm and intentions to learn something new, only to find yourself constantly putting it off and procrastinating? It’s a common problem and one that can be frustrating and demotivating.
Listen, I get it. I am a HUGE procrastinator. If you open the dictionary and search for the word “procrastinator” you would find my picture in it HA! I am also very aware of being a procrastinator, and I am sure you are too.
From a psychological point of view, we are just perfectionists who are so afraid to make mistakes that we prefer not to do anything at all rather than face the judgment we put on ourselves.
But I have a solution.
Before disclosing my tips on how to stop procrastinating and start with that Islamic geometry course you purchased long ago, you have to promise you will put them into practice. Because you know, another big thing about procrastinators is that we don’t practice what we preach or read. So raise your right hand and put your left hand on your heart and repeat after me:
Ok, let’s go.
Focus on the why.
Why have you purchased this course?
You buy something because you see the potential in it. Maybe you want to be proud of yourself for creating something like that. Maybe, you want to be part of the Islamic art community and share what you have created with the course. Or maybe, you just thought the price was a steal and didn’t want to lose the deal.
Whatever your why is, there is a big picture you have seen for yourself when purchasing it, and you need to constantly remind yourself about it.
Create a schedule.
Now, this is the BIGGEST tip of all time. If I could write “BIGGEST” with 72pt font I would.
Nothing happens if you don’t put it on your calendar. Read it again.
Why do you manage to go to the appointment with your dentist, but fail at starting with the Islamic geometry workshop you purchased a long time ago? Because you committed to going to the dentist on that day at that time, and you made sure you were in time for it. It’s an APPOINTMENT and it’s on your calendar.
I get that life is very busy nowadays, but hey, do you mean that you don’t have 1 spare hour in the next 52 weeks? Who are you, Bill Gates?
So create a calendar, Clickup, Outlook, or a paper one. I don’t care. But start booking appointments with yourself, and make sure to tell everyone around you that you will be busy that day at that time so that they don’t interrupt you. If you set your phone to aeroplane mode is even better so that you don’t get distracted by notifications.
Take action
I know, right. Another predictable point.
If it was that easy you wouldn’t be here reading this, I know.
But think about it. Most of the time the idea of starting is more overwhelming than actually starting.
Have you started something? Of course. Was it so bad? Maybe. Have you survived? I really hope so.
At some point, if you really want to stop procrastinating and start with that Islamic geometry course you just need to take action. Don’t wait for the perfect time or for everything to be just right. Stop feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information or work that you need to put in place. Start today, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Once you get started, you’ll likely find that it’s easier to keep going.
Today I feel extra generous, and I want to mention another tip.
Get an accountability partner.
This one is not for everyone as some of you are more like a lone wolf, but having someone to hold you accountable can be a powerful motivator.
Find a friend or colleague who is also interested in the course and make a commitment to check in with each other regularly to discuss your progress. You can also check the comments/review section of the course and see if you can find a familiar face who can contact and make friends with.
In conclusion, procrastination is a common problem, but it doesn’t have to stop you from achieving your goals. By defining your goals, creating a schedule, eliminating distractions, finding an accountability partner, and taking action, you can overcome procrastination and finally start that Islamic geometry course you’ve been meaning to take.
For example, you can start with my courses 😉 just saying.
Remember, the key is to enjoy the process rather than the final destination.
Good luck!
***Affiliate Disclosure: This blog post contains affiliate links which means that I may earn a small commission – at no extra cost to you. This helps to support my work so that I can continue to make valuable free content for you.***
How to stop procrastinating and start with that Islamic geometry course
March 6, 2023
This is so on point. I occasionally feel like a course hoarder
[…] (Psst… if you are a procrastinator like me read my blog post “How to stop procrastinating and start with that Islamic geometry course” […]