This is the place where I share EVERYTHING I know about Islamic geometric patterns: tools and supplies you need, books to read, drawing tips, painting tricks, how to look cool while avoiding a mental breakdown (oops, maybe I shouldn't have said that)...

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I'm sandy!

I’m an artist, self-taught designer, and educator who is hell-bent on teaching everyone how to get started with Islamic geometry.

Ready to create something with your bare hands?

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Beside writing super useful blog posts I also teach how to create Islamic geometric patterns

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I started my journey into Islamic geometry in late 2016 and I had no clue what Islamic geometry was. I didn’t even know what to call these patterns. And now, I am here thinking about the 3 tips for Islamic art beginners I want to share with you that would actually make a difference.

Because you see, there are dozens of tips, tricks and pieces of advice that I think every beginner in Islamic geometry and Islamic art should know, but I think that without these 3, your journey would be a little less magnificent.


Before starting any new activity or hobby I would suggest starting with a “thoughts cleanse”.

Let me explain.

It is fundamental to start with an open mind and be free from any negative thoughts that can bring you down and ruin the journey into Islamic geometry.

As an artist and educator, I know that Islamic art requires a lot of patience and dedication. It is not a 5min doodle, unfortunately. And it’s easy to get overwhelmed or disappointed.

This is why I highly recommend reading the following blog posts to have a fresh start:


Now here is some advice that goes beyond psychology.

If you want to do something and be good at it, then invest in supplies and knowledge.

If you are a Muslim you already know how knowledge is essential. Knowledge is what makes the difference. The more you know about your religion, the more you practice it and strive for perfection. You are not afraid of what other people say. You are not afraid of facing hostility because you know your ground. Fasting, praying and doing good deeds is not hard anymore once you know why you are doing it.

The same applies to every other area in your life. Knowledge is power.

Also, invest in high-quality art supplies. You can’t paint a Michelangelo with drug-store brushes

If you use the right supplies, you will see your artwork immediately become better. And this will make a huge difference in your satisfaction.

So please, do yourself a favour and invest in yourself. You are worth it.


Last but not least, keep track of your journey.

It’s very easy to trick ourselves into thinking that we haven’t improved. Having a tangible way to track our journey is fundamental to not falling into that trap.

I am not saying to open an Instagram account. You don’t have to share it with anyone if you don’t want to. It can be something as easy as a dedicated folder in the gallery on your phone.

But make sure to track everything you do.

Here is, for example, how I started 

How I Started with Islamic Geometric Patterns

And here is where I am now.

Does Islamic geometry limit your imagination?

Keeping track of your improvement gives you a boost in serotonin and self-esteem, and it makes so work harder and harder. Just like when you go to the gym and you finally start to see the six-pack appear. You suddenly become addicted to working out HA.

These are my top 3 tips for Islamic art beginners.

That said, I would also like to add to go and enjoy every second spent creating. Creativity is the life force that helps us move forward and keeps us alive. 

And whatever happens in your artistic journey, it’s exactly where you are meant to be in that moment of your life.

Happy creating!


My nr.3 tips for Islamic art beginners

July 31, 2023

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  1. Diane Malk says:

    Thanks Sandy, very inspirational!

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so hot right now

I’m an artist, self-taught designer, and educator who is hell-bent on teaching everyone how to get started with Islamic geometry.
I've been in the game since 2016 and trust me when I say that one year from now you will wish you had started today.

more about me

Hey! I'm Sandy Kurt