On a Mission to Preserve a Global Artistic Heritage

Sometimes I sit down and wonder where am I heading with my art? Am I just drawing and painting or there is more to it? And then I came across Mohammadhadi Ghahramanpouri’s art and mission and my head is going 🤯 I know it’s different from the type of art that I do but have […]

FEatured Post:

This is the place where I share EVERYTHING I know about Islamic geometric patterns: tools and supplies you need, books to read, drawing tips, painting tricks, how to look cool while avoiding a mental breakdown (oops, maybe I shouldn't have said that)...

We like it salty and sweet

Islamic geometry artist

There is one thing I wish I’d known sooner as an Islamic geometry artist and it has literally helped me land brand collaborations with ease.

One thing I wish I’d known sooner as an Islamic geometry artist


how to navigate client expectations with ease

A whole set of skills is required to navigate client expectations with ease. Here is what I do to make all my collaborations run smoothly.

How to navigate client expectations with ease


After reading my top 3 failures as an Islamic geometry artist, you will never feel alone again. Failure is an ordinary thing on the learning curve…

My top 3 failures as an Islamic geometry artist I never talk about


If you hate spending your time searching then here is a list of useful content on my Islamic geometry website you might not be aware of

Content on my Islamic geometry website you might not be aware of


step-by-step-tutorials are not helping you

In this blog post I show you why step-by-step tutorials are not helping you become the artist you want to be. Try to contradict me 🙂

Why step-by-step tutorials are not helping you


If I had to start my artistic journey all over again, here are the 3 tips for Islamic art beginners I would give myself.

My nr.3 tips for Islamic art beginners


How difficult is it to stop comparing your drawing to others’? I am sharing 3 interesting points of you that you can use to your advantage.

How to stop comparing your drawing to others’


Islamic geometric pattern construction

You can make your Islamic geometric pattern construction quicker in 3 ways: 1. circle division 2. Drawing only what you need 3. Different compasses

3 ways to make your Islamic geometric pattern construction faster


3 beliefs and misconceptions stopping you from being an artist: 1. Are you a natural? 2. Being a failure vs. failing 3. Do it like you are 80

3 beliefs and misconceptions stopping you from being an artist


Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as an Islamic Geometry Artist

The last 2 years of self-development courses have taught me how to tackle self-doubt as an artist in 7 steps. And I am sharing them with you…

7 ways to overcome self-doubt as an artist


digital tools for Islamic geometric patterns designer

Digital tools for Islamic geometric patterns designer to simplify your practice and improve your creativity. Find out how to bring workability….

5 digital tools for Islamic geometric patterns designers


If you are a wannabe Islamic geometric patterns designer, read about my biggest mistake and fast-track your knowledge and growth by learning from it.

Islamic geometric patterns: My biggest mistake as a designer


First of all I want to aknowledge you for being here. Only the ones that want to learn it all get to this corner of my website. Join my newsletter and become a Sandy Kurt Insider, getting all my tips delivered straight to your inbox once a week!

I’m an artist, self-taught designer, and educator who is hell-bent on teaching everyone how to get started with Islamic geometry.
I've been in the game since 2016 and trust me when I say that one year from now you will wish you had started today.

more about me

Hey! I'm Sandy Kurt