On a Mission to Preserve a Global Artistic Heritage

Sometimes I sit down and wonder where am I heading with my art? Am I just drawing and painting or there is more to it? And then I came across Mohammadhadi Ghahramanpouri’s art and mission and my head is going 🤯 I know it’s different from the type of art that I do but have […]

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This is the place where I share EVERYTHING I know about Islamic geometric patterns: tools and supplies you need, books to read, drawing tips, painting tricks, how to look cool while avoiding a mental breakdown (oops, maybe I shouldn't have said that)...

We like it salty and sweet

Different Types of Drawing Compass

Although you might think that one size fits all this is not true when it comes to compasses.
A compass gives the best result for circles of a diameter up to about the size of the compass.

Different Types of Geometry Compass


Why You Should Invest in High-Quality Drafting Tools

There are many reasons why an artist interested in geometric patterns needs to invest in high-quality drafting tools. The most obvious reason is that it can…

Why You Should Invest in High-Quality Drafting Tools


3 Tools that Make Geometry Drawing Easier

There are different essential tools for technical drawing but these 3 tools can make your geometry drawing a lot easier and improve your accuracy.

3 Tools that Make Geometry Drawing Easier


3 Essential Tools for Geometry Drawing

There are 3 tools for geometry drawing that are essential for any artist. These tools should be of the highest quality in order to improve your accuracy and…

3 Essential Tools for Geometry Drawing


Learn How to Use Geogebra: the basics

Learn how easy it is to use GeoGebra Classic 5. Here’s a brief overview of the basics of GeoGebra and how to use the tools it offers.

Learn How to Use Geogebra: the basics


3 Computer Programs for Islamic Geometric Patterns

Curious about the computer programs you can use to draw geometric patterns? Here are the top 3 I recommend. They can be used from simple geometry to complex shapes

3 Computer Programs for Islamic Geometric Patterns


digital tools for Islamic geometric patterns designer

Drawing Islamic geometric patterns through with digital mediums may seem boring if you are a lover of hand-drawn geometry but there is something more to be considered…

Digital vs. Hand-Drawn Geometric Patterns


7 Islamic Art Artists Share their Best Advice

7 Islamic art artists share their best advice to budding artists. Read the advice from Maaida Noor, Esra Alhamal, Mobeen Akhtar, Jeea Mirza, The Geometrista, Salam Sanctuary, Ambigraph.

7 Islamic Art Artists Share their Best Advice


Online Learning vs. In-Person Classes – What's Better?

In the era when you have everything at your fingertips and mainly for free why should you prefer in-person classes over online learning? Here’s why…

Online Learning vs. In-Person Classes – What’s Better?


Top 3 Websites for Islamic Geometry Students

Need to find a helpful Islamic Geometry website? Here is the list of the top 3 geometry websites I recommend

Top 3 Websites for Islamic Geometry Students


Top 3 Books about Islamic Geometric Patterns

Need to find helpful books about Islamic geometric patterns? Here is the list of the top 3 Islamic geometry books I recommend.

Top 3 Books about Islamic Geometric Patterns


3 Rules to Improve the Accuracy of your Geometric Drawings

If you want to develop the accuracy of your geometric drawings fast, then the best approach is to follow these 3 simple yet effective rules.

3 Rules to Improve the Accuracy of your Geometric Drawings


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I’m an artist, self-taught designer, and educator who is hell-bent on teaching everyone how to get started with Islamic geometry.
I've been in the game since 2016 and trust me when I say that one year from now you will wish you had started today.

more about me

Hey! I'm Sandy Kurt